Les offres à regarder et à lire semblent très bonnes ce mois-ci. Qu’est-ce qui arrive à DC Universe en juin?

Découvrez tous les ajouts ci-dessous!, Nouveau sur DC Universe en juin:
Monday, June 1: Stargirl “Icicle” |
Friday, June 5: Harley Quinn Season Two “Dye Hard” |
Monday, June 8: Stargirl “Wildcat” |
Friday, June 12: Harley Quinn Season Two “A Fight Worth Fighting For” |
Monday, June 15: Stargirl “Hourman and Doctor Mid-Nite” |
Wednesday, June 17: Superman: Red Son |
Friday, June 19: Harley Quinn Season Two “Lovers’ Quarrel” |
Monday, June 22: Stargirl “The Justice Society” |
Thursday, June 25: Doom Patrol Season Two “Fun Size Patrol” |
Friday, June 26: Harley Quinn Season Two Finale “The Runaway Bridesmaid” |
Monday, June 29: Stargirl “Shiv Part One” |

2 juin |
9 Juin |
16 Juin |
Catwoman (2018) Annual #1 |
Detective Comics (2016) Annual #2 |
Dog Days of Summer #1 |
Doomsday Clock #10 |
Heroes in Crisis #9 |
Superman: Leviathan Rising Special #1 |
The Wild Storm (2017) #23 |
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Adventures of the Super Sons #11 |
Batman (2016) #72 |
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III #2 |
DCeased #2 |
Deathstroke (2016) #44 |
Female Furies #5 |
Green Lantern (2018) #8 |
Harley Quinn (2016) #62 |
Justice League (2018) #25 |
Shazam (2018) #6 |
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Young Justice (2018) #6 |
Batman and the Outsiders (2019) #2 |
Catwoman (2018) #12 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1005 |
Event Leviathan #1 |
Hawkman (2018) #13 |
Justice League Odyssey #10 |
Red Hood: Outlaw #35 |
Supergirl (2016) #31 |
Superman (2018) #12 |
The Batman Who Laughs #6 |
The Flash (2016) #72 |
Wonder Twins (2019) #5 |
23 Juin |
30 Juin |
Aquaman (2016) #49 |
Batman (2016) #73 |
Justice League (2018) #26 |
Nightwing (2016) #61 |
Scooby-Doo, Where are you? #99 |
Teen Titans (2016) #31 |
Action Comics (2016) #1012 |
Batman Beyond (2016) #33 |
Detective Comics (2016) #1006 |
Dial H for Hero #4 |
Justice League Dark (2018) #12 |
Martian Manhunter (2018) #6 |
The Flash (2016) #73 |
The Silencer #18 |
The Terrifics #17 |